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The story of micro artist "Dheeraj Kolla"

Dheeraj Kolla  Is the person who has different ideaology  that every human has their special character that is talent only tells what you are . He is mad about watching cartoon channels as every kid wish to. He has choosen wrong path i.e engineering after he realisied he started searching his own talent . He started carving  the pencil  and chalkpieces . 
His first sculpture was letter "A" then later on he started designing in different forms. 
He faced lot of problems as he is neglecting engineering and his carvings made him popular in social media and people started following him. His aim is to try different things 
at single shot. He also apperared as guest artist in jagriti yatra which is the source to explore enteprenuership in India a 15 day train journey. He got an oppurtunity to "Rashtrapathi Bhavan" for carving honourable president Sri Ramnath kovind's face which was invited by JagritiYatra. With his art the honourable president got spell bounded and got a tremendous response from president. He also presented a momento to kalam university  
Later on he was invited by TEDx Bangalore to give valuable speech about his success story. Currently he is working as MD in NAAVIGO company. He uses his valuable time by providing food to poor using "share a meal concept". 

A simple and short word about Dheeraj Kolla my friend

Dreamer : Hey man you achieved your goals man keep rocking
Achiever   : Thank You man it was all  about  support from  the family and you people
Dreamer   : In every human life there is a begining and end my goal is to become                                     entreprenuer but iam still in the dreaming situation. 
A Final word about life is all about paying attention towards his own passionate life and leading  a successful journey a dreamer will be dreamer untill he is in dreams an achiever
a dreamer will   be come achiever untill he came out of his dream and started working towards his  dream or passion . We both started at same phase but im still in dreaming stage where as dheeraj kolla has achieved it proud of man.

                                             Dheeraj Kolla (

                                     with Telangana IT Minister K TarakaRamaRao garu 


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