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My Lockdown Experiences


Hello Everyone
I hope you guys are doing well after a long gap I'm writing this post. As the title itself suggests.

I am going to share my lockdown journey with you. Around Mid-march central government announced lockdown novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) started spreading around the country. I come from another state due to my profession I'm staying in another state, as lockdown imposed we can’t move easily to my hometown because of less clarity so I stayed in the city. First few days companies kept quiet and there is no work and later I have moved to a relative's place they simply sent back due to the spread of covid 19. And there is no pgs. and hostels I have requested my friend for shelter and got another shock from the company that they are going to stop work and won't pay salaries, somehow my parents are supportive and managed financial needs. Then there is no work and my anxiety is peak and I came to know about Akshaya Patra an organization  and robin hood army organization their aim and mission is to provide food to the needy as lockdown imposed many people who are travelling to the respective places  they used to give food packets and food kits there I have met amazing people like Ram Kumar and Vikas Bharat these people introduced me new society and new people and personally I haven't dared to step out and distribute packets so I decided to support internally such as database updating after a few months one of the amazing people in this group introduced unique support to the middle class by actor Vijay Devarakonda the organizations aim is to provide middle-class fund worth 1000 rupees for minimum goods on a monthly basis so I have worked as a grant admin and support team after few months  Cyberabad Police Commisonerate SCSC Team started a unique and wonderful campaign called "Plasma Donation" with the help of honourable Commissioner of Police Sri VC SAJJANAR IPS and after few weeks i stepped out and entered commisonerate with some hesitation and fear as cases are increasing. One the day one we have assigned  data of the recovered plasma patients our duty is to call the recovered covid patients and request plasma to donate who are in the serious condition so our duty is the same and continuously call and request from the recovered patient no covid warrior this continued for months there I met few likeminded people like Ramkumar he works and leads for Robin Hood Army and Indian Literacy Project and his aim is to serve the food for the needy at any cost without limitation of time and Vikas Bharat man of the mission to serve the nation and a civil aspirant and I have given name as we cause 😃 and Swapna sister she works with full spirited although she came to India for vacation there I met her and later Divya many of we call her DJ the sports and fitness freak and her fellow sibling sandhya and we call her sandy the powerful ladies of our volunteering and there are few others like Vishal Nandury the aspiring entrepreneur and dreamer he resembles same with my ideology of stubborn and stiff with his ideology of living and Steffi Calvin from Youngisthan Foundation and she is a dental student and memer 😄 and there I met Jithendra the volunteer Bahubali the sweetest person and soft nature guy he never says no for volunteering so he has got the name bahubali and later I met Sainath and Vamsi these are like my extended family and their motive is also to serve and there I have met young aspiring future engineer and writer Yashas and Jay the future military soldier or warrior and Akhilesh the talented and high profile celebrity and Vivek Gupta  he likes to give time for society more and Dr Thota Srikanth and sruthi and others 😅 these young people have given me more energy to work with and after a few days we made a film on pharmacists with the help of honourable CI Hanumantharao sir like these our service towards plasma is going on and I can proudly say we saved and helped a lot of patients with the help of warriors and slowly people started getting aware of plasma donation and our service continues like the seed to soil programme planting seed saplings and seed balls with the help of Nirmaan Organization founded by Mayur Patnala one of the inspirations. I believe only one thing and I strongly say that "No aspiration is the only crime "and these are my lockdown journey or experience or dairy.....



  1. Your blog is very nice and thanks for remembering all works what we done in this Pandemic time. Hope after reading this so many volunteers will come forward and support to society

    Small suggestion if possible post the pics in between the matter like after Akshyapatra post grocery pics
    After plasma post the plasma team pics.. Etc

    Thank you so much once again 🙏🙏

  2. Amazing...reading this has recreated the whole pandemic beautiful memories again.

    1. Thank You so much btw may i know who is this :)


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